Daphne Maurer received an honorary degree and delivered the convocation address at the Convocation of the Faculty of Science at McMaster University on June 16, 2017.
Daphne Maurer: Citation in the Convocation Program
Daphne Maurer is one of McMaster’s Distinguished University Professors and has been an Emeritus Professor since 2013.
Throughout her career Maurer has studied how perception develops and matures, concentrating on the visual system and beginning at birth. Her work has reshaped our understanding of the infant’s sensory world and of development, and has improved clinical care for children with eye problems. It has led to more than 200 scientific publications and a book, The World of the Newborn, co-authored with Charles Maurer, which won the Book Award of the American Psychological Association.
Maurer’s research has been so unusual and significant that she has had continuous funding from Canadian granting agencies for more than 40 years, plus 14 years of funding in Canada from the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Maurer is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Association for Psychological Science. In 2004, the Centre for Excellence for Early Childhood Development named her Researcher of the Year. She has received the McMaster University Faculty Association’s Award for Outstanding Service and the David O. Hebb Distinguished Contribution Award from the Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science.