Principal’s Message
Welcome to Senior College’s website. As you will see, the College offers a rich program of activities for University of Toronto academic retirees, as well as retirees from other colleges and universities and educational institutions.
We are entering into our 12th year of activities following our founding in 2009 by a group of retired faculty and librarians at the University of Toronto. The College has three primary objectives:
First, to support the continuing scholarly, professional and creative academic activities of retirees through established meetings and programs, which also create a focal point and social anchor;
Second, to provide services and facilities for retirees, within the limits of available resources; Third, to enhance communication and outreach to the broader community outside the University. Thus, Senior College aims to contribute to the educational, social, and cultural values of the University community, and where possible to the community at large.
This website contains much information about the College, and also serves as a continuing source of news about our Members and Fellows and events of interest to retirees. We would love to hear from you if you have any questions or comments about the College or its activities.
Harold L. Atwood, Principal