A Word From The Editor

In the last month, the most prominent story in Canadian media was the legalization of marijuana. I was struck by the almost desperate intensity of both those wanting to embrace this cool new thing and those eager to make a pile of money from it. I suspect that most readers of the Bulletin do not see themselves in either group; this speaks to fortunate position we are in that we can find pleasure and satisfaction in our research and the work of our colleagues. This issue of the Bulletin will illustrate the utility of Senior College as a venue for continuing our intellectual discourse and through which we can witness to the larger community the broader horizons of human experience.

Of course, the advent of legalized marijuana will fully engage the academic community, not through consumption, but in providing lots of material for a variety of medical researchers, biologists, chemists, statisticians, economists, social and political scientists, philosophers, criminologists and legal scholars. There will undoubtedly be a constitutional angle in sorting out what can be produced and sold on indigenous territories and where provincial and federal responsibilities lay. I look forward to a senior college talk that will take up some of these issues.

Ed Barbeau