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SC Talk: John R. Percy, Astronomy and Astrophysics, U of T “Misconceptions about the Universe: From Everyday Life to the Big Bang”

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June 16, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

**NEW Speaker Information for June 16, 2021

Speaker: John R. Percy, Astronomy and Astrophysics, U of T

Introducer and Chair: Daphne Maurer

Title: “Misconceptions about the Universe: From Everyday Life to the Big Bang”

Abstract: A misconception is a belief that is strongly held, but factually incorrect.  It is a form of misinformation, which is rampant in many segments of society today.  In this profusely-illustrated, non-technical presentation, I shall provide a gentle overview of astronomy by touching on a wide variety of common misconceptions, from everyday life (e.g., the seasons) to UFOs, black holes and the Big Bang.  I shall emphasize the many causes of these misconceptions, since these same causes are responsible for much of societal misinformation today.

Bio: John R. Percy is a very active Professor Emeritus, Astronomy and Astrophysics, and Science Education (OISE), at the University of Toronto. He was a founding faculty member of the University of Toronto Mississauga, taught Astronomy, and Science Education there from 1967 to 2007, and served as an Associate Dean and Vice-Principal. His astronomy research interests include variable stars and stellar evolution; he has published over 250 research papers in these fields, and authored the book “Understanding Variable Stars” (Cambridge, 2007).

He has also been active in science education (especially astronomy) at all levels, throughout the world, and has edited or co-edited the proceedings of five major international conferences on this topic.

He has also served as president of six national/international science or education organizations, as Honorary President of the Science Teachers’ Association of Ontario, and as Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Ontario Science Centre. Among his many awards, he was an inaugural recipient of the University of Toronto President’s Teaching Award in 2006, inaugural recipient of the Canadian Astronomical Society’s Qilak Award in 2012, for excellence in communication of astronomy to the Canadian public, and recipient of the Education Prize of the American Astronomical Society in 2013.  He was appointed Honorary President of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (2013-17), and Fellow of the RASC in 2015.

The link to register is https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=JsKqeAMvTUuQN7RtVsVSEKo-DHaj3xRAluk2q6EEM7NURVJYTFQyMzRYWktaUzQ5SUtES0lOUE9MSC4u

The deadline to register is the Wednesday of the talk at 8:00am. The Zoom link will be sent to registrants only on the morning of the event.

** Our scheduled speaker, Thomas Tieku, has postponed his talk in the light of the CAUT censure of the University.